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Industrial Strengths and Benefits of Using Desoutter Angle Grinders and Sanders Power Tools

July 5th, 2019

Unlike their lesser specced hobbyist cousins, Desoutters’ industrial-grade angle grinders and sanders are held to a higher standard. The tools are wielded by experts, workers who smooth and finish geometrically intricate machine surfaces. Think of these pro-level power tools as they blend welds or bevel steel plates. Light, ergonomically designed, and powerful, let’s see how these tools perform in a challenging industrial environment.


Backed By a Wrist-Stress Reduction Design

There’s nothing worse than an angle grinder that shakes apart the wrist bones of its operator. The KA26 series delivers low vibrational energies, which means the hand and wrist of a tool holder remain nice and steady during the length of a surface grinding stroke. Carrying this theme forward, a multi-position side handle keeps the tool body steady. To get the grinder going, push down lightly on the sensitive lever. That last feature might not seem important, but poorly triggered angle grinders can quickly cause nasty surface imperfections to form. By implementing that strategically positioned lever, the tool’s start-up action is significantly smoothened.


Perusing the Free-Rotating Speed Table

There are 5 angle grinders in this tool family. They include the KA26085B7V and the KA26085H7V, which rotate at 8,500 RPM. Moving over to the angle sander section, four more models bolster the industrial grinder/sander series. At the top of the range, an 8,500 RPM model exists, but the 3 lower models drop the tool’s rotating speed down to 6000 RPM. A similarly impressive low vibration feature accompanies the design, as does the easy to press power trigger. Pneumatic power provides uninterruptible drive energy on all of these tools, yet there’s no exhaust air hitting an operator’s hands while the angled head sands or grinds its way across a rough-surfaced metal object. Again, this is all part of the power tool’s feature set. The exhaust is intelligently directed away from a hand or wrist that could jerk in surprise. With the air currents sent elsewhere, a worker is free to concentrate on the task at hand.

This is a range of industrially toughened angle grinders and sanders. The power tools attach to special vacuum-powered dust extraction hoses, so a work area stays relatively clean around the grinding zone. Sanding operations are similarly protected. Just as a final cherry on the top of the features list, a 270° multi-positional wheel guard keeps the tool holder safe and secure. Pulling back that guard, just as the abrasive disc finally gives out, a single-key disc swapping feature reduces productivity hits. Within seconds of stopping, a new abrasive wheel is installed, then it’s back to work, backed by Desoutter ingenuity.

For more information, download the KA26 angle grinder/sander catalogue, visit our Desoutter page or contact us.

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