(03) 9761 6377


May 10th, 2016

Stahlwille makes special tools that are ideal for working on automobiles. Stahlwille also produce hundreds of tools for industrial, aerospace and DIY applications. Since 1862, the guiding principle at Stahlwille has been to produce only top quality products. This philosophy has paid dividends because today Stahlwille is respected as a supplier of high grade tools all over the world.

Stahlwille hand tools are designed as extensions to the human arm, which is why they are so simple and safe to use even while applying maximum force. They are ergonomically designed for comfort and have reduced outer dimensions in order to simplify working in tight places.

Stahlwille takes painstaking steps to ensure quality by using the highest quality materials and state of the art equipment; it is this never ending search for perfection that gives Stahlwille customers confidence and pride in their tool set.

  1. Tool Cabinets, Sets
  2. Spanners
  3. Sockets, Accessories & Sets
  4. Impact Sockets
  5. Torque Tools
  6. Screwdrivers
  7. Pliers
  8. Hammers, Chisels & Files
  9. Pullers
  10. Special Automotive Tools

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