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Author: netwiz

Enidine Sentinel™ 4.0 Series Benefits and Features

Blog | March 23rd, 2020

Sentinel™ 2 is the latest offering from the Sentinel™ 4.0 Series for the continually changing on-board monitoring systems. Also, as it is a microelectronic solution, it can be customised to suit your specific performance monitoring and energy management program. Its unique patent-pending design makes it the first of its type in comparison to the other […]

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TelaGuard Steel Covers: Significant Protection for Guideways

Blog | March 13th, 2020

Since manufacturing equipment needs to run fast and smoothly to keep production at the right level, guideways are used in it to deliver the materials to the necessary locations to transform them into finished products. Along their path, though, these materials go through processes that may fling debris out in a hazardous fashion without the […]

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ITT EnidineUltraLOC™ Seat Locks: A New Standard in Airline Technology

Blog | February 21st, 2020

All airline travellers deserve the best comfort possible on their journeys. Since there are more people than ever using the airlines to traverse from place to place, companies are coming up with new reclining seat products to provide the ultimate comfort to these passengers. ITT Enidine is one such company, and it has introduced its […]

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Where and Why Are Enidine Miniature Hydraulic Shock Absorbers Useful?

Blog | February 3rd, 2020

When it comes to improving consumer and industrial designs for various equipment setups, the addition of miniature hydraulic shock absorbers is often overlooked. Enidine is a leader in the field of manufacturing such shock absorbers that are suitable for all the above situations and more. The lifespan of the equipment can be lengthened and repairs […]

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Features and Uses of Enidine Hydraulic Timing Devices

Blog | January 24th, 2020

Dumb viscoelastic materials are moderately capable, at least that’s the case when large machines send out threshold-menacing quantities of shock energy. However, if the shock energy becomes unmanageable, a smarter force dampening mechanism becomes necessary. That’s where Enidines’ hydraulic timing devices enter the scene. Capable of intelligently governing massively complex load profiles, these shock retardation […]

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