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Author: netwiz

STEELFLEX Walk-on Pit Covers: Purposes and Applications in Chemical Factories

Blog | March 11th, 2019

Let’s jump straight into the heart of the matter, without any time-wasting. Dynatect STEELFLEX Walk-on Pit Covers, those that are used in chemical factories, are built to protect site personnel and nearby equipment assemblies from aggressive fluids. More than that, however, the covers have load-bearing properties; they can support the weight of a full-grown man. […]

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User Benefits of Desoutter Advanced Drilling Units

Blog | February 28th, 2019

Many superlatives are layered, one atop the other, when Desoutter Advanced Drilling Units are talked about by industry specialists. This is, after all, a best-in-class pneumatic tool, not some handyman’s companion piece. The ADU range is even used internationally by aircraft manufacturers because the tools deliver a level of reliability that no ordinary drilling gear […]

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Desoutter Torque and Positioning Arms for Workstations: Why is This Important?

Blog | February 14th, 2019

Let’s talk about worker health. Yes, the posts made on this site do target production-grade machinery, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore the workers. At the end of the day, those hardy souls deserve attention. Now, while still thinking like a high-quality tool supplier, let’s pull in a selection of Desoutter Torque and Positioning […]

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Desoutter Auto Feed Drills and Tappers: Quality Features and Pneumatic Power

Blog | January 31st, 2019

Auto feed tools let busy workers develop a steady rhythm. For example, a nail gun operator is working on a wall. He never once pauses to pick up a handful of nails, not when the auto feed mechanism is operating. Desoutter auto feed drills and tappers work under the same principle. They’re designed to enhance […]

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Desoutter Pneumatic Fastening Tools: How Pneumatics Really Work and What are They Used For?

Blog | January 21st, 2019

After a quick look at a datasheet, even the most inept engineer can write a halfway decent article about pneumatic fastener tools. To polish the article and imbue it with authority, diligent engineering types back up those figures with hard facts. Following this line of reasoning, we’re ditching the tool specifying figures in favour of […]

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